International Society for International Precipitation is leading, global, non-profit organization with members from all around the world. ISESP develops standard, provide education and training, publishes books and technical articles and host conferences on electrostatic precipitation. The Society operates without any discrimination on grounds of race, religion, nationality, or political philosophy.
The concept of providing a forum for the exchange of information on research and application of electrostatic precipitation originated with Dr. Harry J. White. Dr. White is recognized worldwide for his pioneering research on electrostatic precipitation and for his book "Industrial Electrostatic Precipitation" which is a classic in the field. Several factors made it necessary to expand electrostatic precipitator technology. Prior to the worldwide interest in air pollution in the 1960s, precipitators were designed for moderate efficiencies. Designs were based on previous experience in similar applications and unrecognized changes in a process often resulted in failure to meet even the modest efficiencies. However, emission standards set by regulatory agencies required higher efficiencies and penalties for failure to meet emission limits were severe. The result was a large market for retrofitting existing pollution control equipment as well as for new installations.
ISESP produces scientific and educational material and events to help people understand and share thinking and experiences on how individuals, organisations and society can be better organised to create and distribute new products, services and processes to make the world a better place.
he ISESP Board is responsible for the Society on a day-to-day basis, and gets assistance from the Advisory Board, the Scientific Panel and a number of long-term partners.