10th International Conference On Electrostatic Presipitation
ICESP XI CONFERENCE PAPERS Held in Hangzhou, China October 20-25, 2008 The International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (ICESP) is the official conference of the International Society for Electrostatic Precipitation (ISESP).
The following is a list of papers from the XI ICESP Conference under their respective topic. Click on the Section title to view list of papers. World-Wide Review Development of Chinese Electrostatic Precipitator Technology Multi-pollutants Simultaneous Removals from Flue Gas Some Technical Idea Evolutions Concerned with Electrostatic Precipitators in China Enhancement of Collection Efficiencies of Electrostatic Precipitators: Indian Experiments
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Conference Paper
The International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (ICESP) is the official conference of the International Society for Electrostatic Precipitation (ISESP).
The following is a list of papers from the XI ICESP Conference under their respective topic. Click on the Section title to view list of papers.
World-Wide Review
Development of Chinese Electrostatic Precipitator Technology
Multi-pollutants Simultaneous Removals from Flue Gas
Some Technical Idea Evolutions Concerned with Electrostatic Precipitators in China
Enhancement of Collection Efficiencies of Electrostatic Precipitators: Indian Experiments
Held in Hangzhou, China October 20-25, 2008
The International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (ICESP) is the official conference of the International Society for Electrostatic Precipitation (ISESP).
The following is a list of papers from the XI ICESP Conference under their respective topic. Click on the papers title to view the complete paper in PDF format.
Modeling Mercury Capture within ESPs: Continuing Development and Validation
Reduction of Rapping Losses to Improve ESP Performance
Advanced Risk Analysis for the Application of ESP-s to Clean Flammable Gas-pollutant Mixtures
ESP for Small Scale Wood Combustion
Dust flow Separator Type Electrostatic Precipitator for a Particulate Matter Emission Control from Natural Gas Combustion
Electrostatic Precipitator: The Next Generation
Current Density and Efficiency of a Novel lab ESP for Fine Particles Collection
Five Stages Electrostatic Precipitator Principles and Application
Application of STAAD in ESP structure design
Electric Resistance of Boiler Flue Gases and Collection Efficiency of ESP
Non-static Collection Process of the Electrostatic Precipitator
Study of Using Mixed Discharge Electrodes and Mixed Spacing of Pole to Pole for Electrostatic Precipitator
Experimental Investigation on the Collection of Fine Dust with High Resistivity by a Bipolar Discharging ESP
Designing ESP Systemically to Reduce Dust Emission
Research on Vibration Period Optimization of Electrostatic Precipitator
Study on the Dust Removal Efficiency Formula of EP with Efficiency Enhancing and Energy-saving
Research and Application of the Extensive Resistivity and Efficient Electrostatic Precipitator
Application and Research on Technology of Longking Brand BEL Model ESP
Electrode Shape and collector plate Spacing Effects on ESP Performance
Resistance and Airflow Distribution of Rotary Plate
Onset Voltage of Corona in Electrostatic Filters as Influenced by Gas Flow
An Initial Exploration for Coulomb ESP
Held in Hangzhou, China October 20-25, 2008
The International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (ICESP) is the official conference of the International Society for Electrostatic Precipitation (ISESP).
The following is a list of papers from the XI ICESP Conference under their respective topic. Click on the papers title to view the complete paper in PDF format.
Effect of the EHD Flow on Particle Surface Charging and the Collection Efficiency of Submicron and Ultrafine dust Particles in Wire-plate Type Electrostatic Precipitators
Electrohydrodynamic Turbulent Flow in a wide wIre-plate Electrostatic Precipitator Measured by 3D PIV Method
Applying Numerical Simulation on Air Pollution Control Equipment
CFD Simulation of Electrostatic Precipitators and Fabric Filters State of the Art and Applications
Numerical Modeling of the Electro-hydrodynamics in a Hybrid Particulate Collector
CFD Numerical Simulation of ESP Airflow Distribution and Application of Flue Gas Distribution
Study and Application of Numerical Calculation Method for Gas Flow Distribution of Large Scale Electrostatic Precipitator
Experimental Study on Optimization of Electric Field Performance for Electrostatic Precipitator by Using Finite Element Method
Analytical study on ZT Collecting Electrode
Model EE I Technology in 1#125 MW Unit of Electrostatic Precipitator Application for GUODIAN Kaili Power Plant
Model EE II Technology in 2#600 MW Unit of Electrostatic Precipitator Application for GUODIAN Kaili Power Plant
Numerical Simulation of Influence of Baffler in Electric Field Entrance to Form Skewed Gas Flow
A numerical Simulation for Predicting Influence of Flow Pattern in Electrostatic Precipitator on Exit Re-entrainment Loss
Held in Hangzhou, China October 20-25, 2008
The International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (ICESP) is the official conference of the International Society for Electrostatic Precipitation (ISESP).
The following is a list of papers from the XI ICESP Conference under their respective topic. Click on the papers title to view the complete paper in PDF format.
Research Progress of the Control Technology of the PM10 from Combustion Sources
Enhanced Fine Particle and Mercury Emission Control Using the Indigo Agglomerator
Emission Reductions at a Chinese Power Station
On-line Measurement of Hazardous Fine Particles for the Future APC Technology
A Novel Method for Particle Sampling and Size-classified Electrical Charge Measurement at Power Plant Environment
Agglomeration Modelling of Sub-micron Particle During Coal Combustion Based on the Flocculation Theory
Integrated Control of Submicron Particles and Toxic Trace Elements by ESPs Combined with Chemical Agglomeration
Electrostatic Capture of PM2.5 Emitted from Coal-fired Power Plant by Pulsed Corona Discharge Combined with DC Agglomeration
An Approximate Expression for the Coagulation coeFficient of Bipolar-charged Particles in an Alternating Electric field
Improving Nano-particle Collection Efficiency and Suppressing Particle re-entrainment in an AC Electrostatic Precipitator with Hole-punched Electrode
Held in Hangzhou, China October 20-25, 2008
The International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (ICESP) is the official conference of the International Society for Electrostatic Precipitation (ISESP).
The following is a list of papers from the XI ICESP Conference under their respective topic. Click on the papers title to view the complete paper in PDF format.
Precipitator Performance Improvements and Energy Savings Based on IGBT Inverter Technology
Performance Enhancements Achieved with High Frequency Switch Mode Power Supplies
High Frequency Power Supply Operation on Hot-Side ESP
Industrial Applications of Three-phase T/R for Upgrading ESP Performance
Industrial Applications of a New AVC for Upgrading ESP to Save Energy and Improve Efficiency
Highly efficient switch-mode 100 KV, 100 KW power supply for ESP applications
The Crystal Ball Gazing with Electrostatic Precipitators: V-I Curves Analysis.
New Automatic Voltage Control Designs for Enhanced ESP Systems Integration, Improved Reliability, Safety and Troubleshooting Capabilities
Another Concept of Three Phase High Frequency High Voltage Supply
Development and Application Features of High Power High Frequency Power Supply for ESP
The Application Strategy of Three-phase HV Power Supply for Special Working Condition
Applying the Technology of Compounded Type Power Control Rapping to Reduce the Outlet Emission Concentration
Study on Efficiency Enhancing and Energy Saving of High Voltage Power Supply of EP
Serial/Parallel Resonant Converter (SPRC) in ESP Power
The Development And Application of an Energy Saving System Based on the Optimal Control and Multi-parameter Feedback
Query on the Sustainable Development of Traditional Dust Precipitation Using Optimal Electric Spark Rate
Comparative Study of Distribution of Collecting Plate Current Density on Electrostatic Precipitations with High Direct Current and Pulse Power Supply
Development of Energy Saving and Efficiency Enhancing Electrostatic Precipitator Power Supply Control Equipment
Research on High Frequency Switched HV Power Supplies for ESP
Design of Switch Mode Power Supply for ESP
Research and Application of Automatic Control Technology of Back Corona
The Research on Three-phase Medium-frequency DC High-voltage Power
Investigation of Current Density Distribution Model for Barb-plate ESP
SLC500 Programmerable Logic Controller Hot Standby Two-node Cluster
Evaluation of HV Power Source for ESP
V-I characteristic Principle of Electrostatic Precipitator
Enhanced Fine Particle Collection by the Application of SMPS Energization
Two ESP Power Supply Patent Technologies
Held in Hangzhou, China October 20-25, 2008
The International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (ICESP) is the official conference of the International Society for Electrostatic Precipitation (ISESP).
The following is a list of papers from the XI ICESP Conference under their respective topic. Click on the papers title to view the complete paper in PDF format.
Particulate and Mercury Emissions Control by Non-traditional Conditioners
Flue Gas Conditioning
Modeling of Back Corona in Pulse Energized “Multizone” Precipitators
Some Investigations on Fly Ash Resistivity Generated in Indian Power Plants
Enhancing ESP Efficiency for High Resistive Fly Ash by Reducing Flue Gas Temperature
The Technical and Economical Analysis on the Application of FGC in Large Scale Coal-fired Units
Held in Hangzhou, China October 20-25, 2008
The International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (ICESP) is the official conference of the International Society for Electrostatic Precipitation (ISESP).
The following is a list of papers from the XI ICESP Conference under their respective topic. Click on the papers title to view the complete paper in PDF format.
Advanced Methods of Upgrading Electrostatic Precipitators
Challenges for Reduction in Emission in Old Electrostatic Precipitators at Lower Cost
Least Cost to Maximise Dust Collection in Electrostatic Precipitators
ESP Renovation in Da Wukou Power Plant, Ningxia
Held in Hangzhou, China October 20-25, 2008
The International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (ICESP) is the official conference of the International Society for Electrostatic Precipitation (ISESP).
The following is a list of papers from the XI ICESP Conference under their respective topic. Click on the papers title to view the complete paper in PDF format.
Cost Effectively increasing the Filtration Area in Fabric Filters for Large Power Plants
Long-term COHPAC Baghouse Performance at Alabama Power Company’S E. C. Gaston Units 2&3
Study of the Use of Bag Filters in Hot Gas Filtration Applications: Pilot Plant Experiences
The R&D and Application of Electrostatic-fabric Organic Integrated Precipitator in China
Research on Performance of Electrostatic-bag Precipitator with Comparative Industrial Tests
A Discussion on the ESP-FF Hybrid Precipitator
Collection of High Concentration of Desulfurized Dust with ESP & FF
Application of ESP and Fabric Filter in Power Plants in China
Application of Electrostatic Fabric Hybrid Particulate Collector
Application of Control Logic in Remote Monitoring System of ESP-FF Hybrid Precipitator
Numerical simulation on a Hybrid Electrostatic-bag Precipitator
Held in Hangzhou, China October 20-25, 2008
The International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (ICESP) is the official conference of the International Society for Electrostatic Precipitation (ISESP).
The following is a list of papers from the XI ICESP Conference under their respective topic. Click on the papers title to view the complete paper in PDF format.
Evaluation of Corrosion-Resistant Alloys for Wet Electrostatic Precipitator
Wet ESP for the Collection of Sub-micron Particles, Mists, and Air Toxics
Held in Hangzhou, China October 20-25, 2008
The International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (ICESP) is the official conference of the International Society for Electrostatic Precipitation (ISESP).
The following is a list of papers from the XI ICESP Conference under their respective topic. Click on the papers title to view the complete paper in PDF format.
A Discussion about Strategy of Flue Gas Dust Removal for Indian Coal Fired Boiler
Assessment of Hot ESPs as Particulate Collector for Oxy-coal Combustion and CO2 Capture
Recent Application and Running Cost of Moving Electrode Type Electrostatic Precipitator
Retrofit of Capacity Expansion for ESPs of Boiler 2# of Aiyis power Plant in Jiaozuo
Study on Improving the Performance of Electrostatic Precipitator in the Large-scale Semi-dry Flue Gas Desulfurization System
Analysis and Countermeasures for Fly-ash Feature from Zhungeer Coal with Electrostatic Precipitation
High Dust Concentration ESP for Coal-fired Boiler of 300 MW Generator
ESP Application on Combustion of High-sulfur Heavy Crude Oil
Regarding the Selection, Operation and Maintenance of Booster Fan
The Application Practices of the Double-zone ESP in Coal-fired power Plant
Held in Hangzhou, China October 20-25, 2008
The International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (ICESP) is the official conference of the International Society for Electrostatic Precipitation (ISESP).
The following is a list of papers from the XI ICESP Conference under their respective topic. Click on the papers title to view the complete paper in PDF format.
Successful Application of Longking Bf-ESP Technology in Brazil GA Steel Plant
Characteristics and Technical Improvement Investigation of Electrostatic Precipitator before Sintering Machine
Testing and Analysis of Coal Gas Dehydration Equipment in Combined Cycle Power Plant
Held in Hangzhou, China October 20-25, 2008
The International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (ICESP) is the official conference of the International Society for Electrostatic Precipitation (ISESP).
The following is a list of papers from the XI ICESP Conference under their respective topic. Click on the papers title to view the complete paper in PDF format.
Development of New Gas Cleaning System with Salt Solution Spray
Numerical Investigation of the Entire Boiler System with SCR De-NOx Reactor
Research on Complex Multi-pollutants Control Technology in a Large-scale Coal-fired Power Plant
New Concept of CFB Boiler with FGD
Dry FGD Technology Research and Application in Steel Sintering
Design and Application of Inlet nozzle of Dry Desulphurization ESP
The Proposal Comparison of Absorbent Preparation System of Wet Limestone-gypsum Flue Gas Desulphurization Process
Economic Analysis of Wet Flue Gas Desulphurization Project Operation
Discussion on the Mechanism of Semi-dry Desulphurization
Analysis on Chimney Inner Wall Anti-corrosion in GGH Eliminated Wet Desulfurization System
Simultaneous Removal of SO2 and NO2 by Wet Scrubbing Using Limestone Slurry
Study on Mid-temperature SCR DeNOx Catalyst under High SO2 and CaO
Research and Application of Numerical Calculation Methods in SCR DeNOx Reactor & Duct Design
Retrofit project of 2×100 MW Units in Yushe Power Plant, Shanxi Province Using Tow Boilers-one CFB FGD
Design and Application of the Dry-FGD Process in Sanming Steel No.2 Sintering Plant
The Fouling Characteristics and Comparative Analysis of Cleaning Technology of SCR
Held in Hangzhou, China October 20-25, 2008
The International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (ICESP) is the official conference of the International Society for Electrostatic Precipitation (ISESP).
The following is a list of papers from the XI ICESP Conference under their respective topic. Click on the papers title to view the complete paper in PDF format.
AC/DC Power Modulation for Corona Plasma Generation
Development of the PPCP Technology in IEPE
Non-thermal Plasma Processing for Dilute VOCs Decomposition Combined with the Catalyst
Performance Characteristics of Pilot-scale NOx Removal from Boiler Emission Using Plasma-chemical Process
Experimental Investigation on Styrene Emission with a 1000m3 /h Plasma System
Streamer Corona Plasmas and NO Removal
Influence of Ratio of NO/NO2 on NOx Removal Using DBD with Urea Solution
Catalysis-assisted Decomposition of Aqueous 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene by Pulsed High Voltage Discharge Process
Plasma-catalytic Removal of Formaldehyde in Atmospheric Pressure Gas Streams
Relationship between Discharge Electrode Geometry and Ozone Concentration in Electrostatic Precipitator
Study of Carbon Monoxide Oxidation by Discharge
Application of a Dielectric Barrier Discharge Reactor for Diesel PM Removal
Catalyst Size Impact on Non-thermal Plasma Catalyst Assisted DeNOx Reactors
The Study on Series of Copper Catalyst in the Reactor of Dielectric Barrier Discharge to Remove NOx
VOC Removal Using Adsorption and Surface Discharge
A Novel Concept of Remediation of Polluted Streams Using High Energy Density glow Discharge (HEDGe)
Gaseous Elemental Mercury Oxidation by Non-thermal Plasma
A Multiple-switch Technology for High-power Pulse Discharging
Humidity and Oxygen Effects on Dimethyl Sulfide Decomposition by a Plasma Corona Reactor
The Mechanism of Naphthalene Decomposition in Corona Radical Shower System by DC Discharge
Surface Modification of Polestar Fabrics by Non- thermal Plasma for Improving Hydrophilic Properties
Predictive Model of Nonequiliburium Plasma Decontamination Efficiency for Gaseous Pollutant
Held in Hangzhou, China October 20-25, 2008
The International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (ICESP) is the official conference of the International Society for Electrostatic Precipitation (ISESP).
The following is a list of papers from the XI ICESP Conference under their respective topic. Click on the papers title to view the complete paper in PDF format.
Application Study of Electrostatic Precipitation with Earthed Atomizing Discharges
Integrated Clarification Technology for De-dusting, Desulfurization and Odor Elimination
Introduction of High Precision Charging Technique Applied in Pulsed Magnetron Modulator for Industrial Computerized Tomography System
Discrepant ESD-CDM Test System and Failure Yield Prediction between ESD Association and JEDEC Standards
Held in Hangzhou, China October 20-25, 2008
The International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (ICESP) is the official conference of the International Society for Electrostatic Precipitation (ISESP).
The following is a list of papers from the XI ICESP Conference under their respective topic. Click on the papers title to view the complete paper in PDF format.